Relationship Advice

Master the Art of Relationship Gifting

How To Master The Art Of Relationship Gifting- By Cassidy Nichol- Around 20% of Americans admit to rarely or never feeling close to people, while 46% say they sometimes or always feel alone. Research shows that for some people a lack of social relationships can increase risk of death by as much as 50%. That’s equivalent to smoking… Read more »

Take a Second Look

Romantic love can come slowly.  We now know what happens in the brain when you first meet someone new: two small factories that lie behind your forehead leap into action.   One brain region tries to decide if this person is physically attractive enough to be an acceptable partner in your bed. The second brain region… Read more »

Why Having Kids Can (Temporarily) Hurt Your Relationship

For many couples, parenthood ranks among their greatest dreams. You might have an idyllic mental image of playing with a smiling, happy baby, pushing a stroller through the park on your way to a family picnic, and putting the baby to bed before relaxing for some evening adult time. While all these things are certainly… Read more »

3 Reasons You Should Never Settle for a “Good Enough” Relationship

Settle for a relationship
For many people, the drive for a solid, strong romantic relationship is powerful. This makes perfect evolutionary sense, as our ancestors had a much better chance for survival when they could divide up the tough tasks of primitive life. Today, however, while a lifelong relationship can be highly rewarding, those who remain single are not… Read more »

GET HAPPY: the “Meaningful Life”- Romantic love is not necessary

Prayers, betting parlors, doctor’s appointments, monuments, diets, holidays, college degrees, lottery tickets, Valentine’s Day cards, wedding rings: what do these things have in common?  Each offers hope. The Statue of Liberty is a beacon of hope. Los Vegas sells hope. Immigrants risk their lives and leave their homelands because they hope. Gaming people hope. At… Read more »

What Is Companionate Love and How Can It Save Your Relationship?

What Is Companionate Love
The triangular theory of love, pioneered by psychologist Robert Sternberg, claims that all love relationships are built on three legs of a triangle: intimacy, commitment, and passion. Relationships can be described and defined according to which of the components they possess, with consummate love containing all three in equal balance. Companionate love describes relationships that… Read more »

Your Temperament- and Your Best Partner’s Temperament

“We look at brain chemistry!” Why we are naturally drawn to some people rather than others? It is a huge mystery. Why are we more compatible with some people and not others?  there are some answers out there.  Helen Fisher and Lucy Brown along with Bianca Acevedo have conducted brain scanning experiments to study just… Read more »

5 Signs You’re in Love With the Right Person

A Guest Blog from Lisa Fritscher at Main Street ROI, who is divorced, and thus knows a thing or two or five about love relationships! Despite what the movies and TV specials would have you believe, love is messy and complicated. People annoy each other, argue, and do incredibly dumb things. It’s just part of… Read more »