On this website, we are always looking for "keys" to successful relationships. We made a video called Six Relationsip Keys. But there are actually many more than 'six' keys. One website that gives a lot of great relationship help, and keys, is the Sternberg Center for successful relationships, or https://lovemultiverse.com.
Relationships are fun-- and require work! There are tools for relationships.
Whether you fell in love and experienced that euphoria of early-stage romance, or developed love over time from a friendship, there are many tools to keep a satisfying relationship going. Don't worry if you need some tools or help! It is totally natural that relationships have down times and that work is needed. In fact, it is important to "work" on your relationship-- use some time-tested tools--every day during good and bad times.
Here is a good resource for relationship help:
As they say at The Sternberg Center, "Rise above Challenges-- Together." That idea is so important. When couples face challenges together, it can bring them closer together.
Art Aron, our collaborator, actually did an experiment in his laboratory with couples, because he wanted to prove how important this concept is. He gave them a simple task of rolling from one end of a room to the other over barriers, and it required cooperation because they were tied together-- kind of like a game you would play at a kid's party. They were happier with each other after successful completion of this silly, funny task.

The Power of Novelty and Challenges is Huge
Art explains the power of novelty and challenges in a video (just two minutes long, and important): Novelty. He followed couples for over 15 years to see how their relationship satisfaction was tied to novel and challenging experiences. Just doing something new helps. Even going to the movies and participating in the "novel" experiences of the actors is a good thing to do.
The Sternberg Center also says, "Your unique history and love story can hold you back or propel you forward. They are the basis on which you create your relationships (and self-fulfilling prophecies)." It can be fun to remember your love story, and talk about it. Why not try it?
Also, there is a free workbook at The Sternberg Center website.
Wishing you good and productive time with your relationships.